Code of the District of Columbia

§ 1–309.05(Perm). Advisory Neighborhood Commissions — Qualifications of members; nomination by petition.

(a)(1) No person shall be a member of an Advisory Neighborhood Commission unless he:

(A) Is a registered qualified elector actually residing in the single-member district from which he was elected;

(B) Has been residing in such district continuously for the 60 days immediately preceding the day on which he files the nominating petitions as a candidate as such a member;

(C) Holds no other elected public office; and

(D) Has not been convicted of a felony committed while serving as a Commissioner.

(2) For the purpose of this subsection, the term “elected public office” means the Office of Mayor of the District of Columbia, Chairman or member of the Council of the District of Columbia, member of the District of Columbia Board of Education, and the Delegate to the House of Representatives.

(b)(1) Candidates for member of an Advisory Neighborhood Commission shall be nominated by a petition:

(A) Prepared and presented to the Board in accordance with regulations of the Board no later than the 90th calendar day before the date of the election in which he intends to be a candidate; and

(B) Signed by not less than 25 registered qualified electors who are residents of the single-member district from which he seeks election.

(2) Such petitions shall be made available by the Board no later than the 120th calendar day before an election for members of an Advisory Neighborhood Commission.