Code of the District of Columbia

§ 1–309.13a. Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Technical Support and Assistance Fund.

*NOTE: This section includes amendments by temporary legislation that will expire on August 3, 2023. To view the text of this section after the expiration of all emergency and temporary legislation, click this link: Permanent Version.*

(a) There is established as a special fund the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Technical Support and Assistance Fund ("Fund"), which shall be administered by the Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions in accordance with subsection (c) of this section.

(b) Money from the following sources shall be deposited in the Fund:

(1) Such amounts as may be appropriated to the Fund; and

(2) Any amounts allocated to Advisory Neighborhood Commissions pursuant to § 1-207.38(e) that are forfeited pursuant to § 1-309.13(d)(3) or (j)(3) or unclaimed by the last day of the fiscal year.

(c) Money in the Fund shall be used to provide the following services and supports at the request of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions subject to such limitations or prioritization as the Office may establish due to limitation of funding:

(1) Planning, development, or procurement of a mobile or computer application to assist Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners with outreach and engagement with their constituents;

(2) Supplementing any funding allocated for communications access services, including sign language interpretation, computer-aided real-time transcription, and other services and supports, for Advisory Neighborhood Commissions; provided, that the funding allocated for this purpose proves insufficient;

(3) Ensuring that Advisory Neighborhood Commissions have access to remote meeting technologies necessary for their operations;

(4) Providing or procuring audio-visual technology and services to support Advisory Neighborhood Commissions;

(5) Providing or procuring printing services for Advisory Neighborhood Commissions; and

(6) Providing or procuring website assistance for Advisory Neighborhood Commissions.

(c-1) Notwithstanding subsection (c) of this section, in Fiscal Year 2023:

(1) $799,688 in the Fund shall be used to provide quarterly allotments to Advisory Neighborhood Commissions in accordance with §§ 1-207.38(e) and 1-309.51(c); and

(2) $25,000 in the Fund shall be allotted on a per capita basis, based on the 2020 census population of each Advisory Neighborhood Commission, to the following Advisory Neighborhood Commissions established by section 2 of the ANC Boundaries Act of 2022; provided, that the Advisory Neighborhood Commission has fulfilled the requirements of § 1-309.13(a) and (c), as determined by the Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions:

(A) ANC 1E;

(B) ANC 2G;

(C) ANC 3A;

(D) ANC 4E;

(E) ANC 5F; and

(F) ANC 8F.

(d)(1) The money deposited into the Fund but not expended in a fiscal year shall not revert to the unassigned fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the end of a fiscal year or at any other time.

(2) Subject to authorization in an approved budget and financial plan, any funds appropriated in the Fund shall be continually available without regard to fiscal year limitation.