Code of the District of Columbia

§ 1–609.08. Statutory officeholders.

The following employees of the District shall be deemed to be in the Excepted Service. Their terms of office shall be at the pleasure of the appointing authority, or as provided by statute for a term of years, subject to removal for cause as may be provided in their appointing statute:

(1) City Administrator;

(2) Repealed;

(3) The Director of the Campaign Finance Board;

(4) Repealed;

(5) Auditor of the District of Columbia;

(6) The Chairman and members of the Public Service Commission;

(7) The Chairman and members of the Board of Parole;

(8) Executive Director of the Public Employee Relations Board;

(9) Secretary to the Council;

(10) Repealed;

(11) Repealed;

(12) Executive Director of the Office of Employee Appeals;

(13) Repealed.

(14) Budget Director to the Council;

(15) The Chief Administrative Law Judge and the Administrative Law Judges of the Office of Administrative Hearings;

(16) The Chief Tenant Advocate of the Office of the Tenant Advocate;

(17) The Real Property Tax Ombudsman of the Office of the Real Property Tax Ombudsman;

(18) The Chairperson and members of the Rental Housing Commission; and

[(19)] Director of the Students in the Care of D.C. Coordinating Committee.