Code of the District of Columbia

§ 38–191. Department of Education; establishment; authority.

(a) Pursuant to § 1-204.04(b), the Council establishes a Department of Education, subordinate to the Mayor. The department shall be headed by a Deputy Mayor for Education, who shall be appointed pursuant to § 1-523.01(a).

(b) The Department of Education shall:

(1) Have oversight of the:

(A) State Superintendent of Education Office;

(B) Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization; and

(C) Repealed.

(D) Development of a comprehensive, District-wide data system that integrates and tracks data across education, justice, and human service agencies.

(2) Be responsible for the planning, coordination, and supervision of all public education and education-related activities under its jurisdiction, including development and support of programs to improve the delivery of educational services and opportunities, from early childhood to the post-secondary education level, including the District of Columbia Public Schools, public charter schools, and the University of the District of Columbia; provided, that nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted to grant to the Mayor any authority over the University of the District of Columbia that is currently vested in the Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia;

(3) Promote, coordinate, and oversee collaborative efforts among District government agencies to support education and child development as it relates to education, including coordinating the integration of programs and resources;

(4) Coordinate programs, policies, and objectives of the Mayor with the Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia;

(5) Promote, coordinate, and oversee the enhancement and quality of workforce preparation programs within the State Superintendent of Education Office;

(6) Promote, coordinate, and oversee the enhancement and quality of adult literacy and adult education programs within the State Superintendent of Education Office;

(7) Submit to the Mayor, Chancellor, State Board of Education, and the Council the reports required by § 38-353(14) and (15);

(8) Coordinate the development of the Master Facilities Plan;

(9) Provide administrative and technical support for the Common Lottery Board; and

(10)(A) By May 31, 2021, establish common financial reporting standards for the non-capital budgets and expenditures of District of Columbia Public Schools and public charter schools. The common financial reporting standards shall:

(i) Include categories for reporting budgets and expenditures for instructional staff, school administrators, instructional supports, educational materials, and non-educational administrative costs;

(ii) Permit meaningful and accurate budget and expenditure comparisons, including comparisons of budgets and expenditures for at-risk students, as defined in § 38-2901(2A), between all public schools and between all local education agencies;

(iii) Ensure full and accurate disclosure of administrative costs for each local education agency; and

(iv) Make it possible to collect comparable data by school campus.

(B) For the purposes of this paragraph, the term:

(i) "Local education agency" means the District of Columbia Public Schools system or any individual or group of public charter schools operating under a single charter.

(ii) "Public schools" includes public charter schools.

(c) By December 31, 2009, the Deputy Mayor for Education shall submit to the to the Council for approval, by resolution, and to the State Board of Education for review, a plan describing the framework that it shall use to develop a statewide, strategic education and youth development plan (“EYD plan”).

(d) By September 30, 2010, the Deputy Mayor for Education shall submit to the Council for approval, by resolution, and to the State Board of Education for review, the EYD plan, which shall include:

(1) A clearly articulated vision statement for children and youth from zero to 24 years of age;

(2) Stated goals and operational priorities;

(3) An assessment of needs, including a showing that the comprehensive strategy to address the stated needs is based on research and data;

(4) A timeline and benchmarks for planning and implementation;

(5) An operational framework that provides for shared accountability, broad-based civic community involvement, and coordination:

(A) With District, school, and other community efforts;

(B) With key stakeholders throughout the community, including those in top public and civic leadership;

(C) Of the education sector with housing, health, and welfare;

(D) With economic development policies and plans; and

(E) Of multiple funding streams to ensure sustainability of the EYD plan;

(6) An explication of the location and planning, including intended use and design, for the District’s educational facilities and campuses; and

(7) Recommendations for policy and legislative changes, if needed, to increase the effectiveness of the EYD plan.

(e) The Mayor shall review and update the EYD plan every 3 years and submit the plan to the Council for approval, by resolution, and to the State Board of Education for review.

(f)(1) To support the establishment of common financial reporting standards required pursuant to subsection (b)(10) of this section, the Deputy Mayor for Education may issue grants not to exceed $200,000, in Fiscal Year 2021.

(2) Grants issued pursuant to this subsection shall be administered pursuant to the requirements set forth in part B of subchapter XII-A of Chapter 3 of Title 1.

(g) By September 30, 2023, and every 5 years thereafter, the Mayor shall submit to the Council an in-depth education funding adequacy study that:

(1) Reviews the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula ("UPSFF"), the city's method for allocating local operating dollars to District of Columbia Public Schools ("DCPS") and public charter schools, provided in subchapter I of Chapter 29 of this title, by, among other things, reviewing:

(A) The costs and expenses associated with operating DCPS and public charter schools included and excluded from the UPSFF, and recommending revisions; and

(B) The categories and weights provided in §§ 38-2903, 38-2904, 38-2905, and 38-2905.01 of the UPSFF Act and recommending revisions, including possible new categories or weights, if any; and

(2) Addresses issues of equitable funding among schools and between DCPS and public charter schools and recommends revisions to the UPSFF to achieve more equitable student outcomes.