Code of the District of Columbia

§ 4–505. Crime Victims Compensation Appeals Board; establishment; membership; duties.

Pending Changes

This section will be changed by the following pending documents:

(a) A Crime Victims Compensation Appeals Board (“Board”) is established in the Court. The Chief Judge shall appoint 5 members to the Board from among the membership of the Commission. Board members shall serve at the Chief Judge’s pleasure, reflect a variety of disciplines, and include at least 1 attorney. The Chief Judge shall designate 1 member to serve as the Board’s Chairperson, and may appoint qualified members of the Commission to serve as alternates on the Board when Board members are not available.

(b) Board members shall serve without compensation but may receive reimbursement for expenses in a manner and amount to be determined by the Court.

(c) The Board shall meet at least quarterly to hear appeals in contested cases as provided in § 4-517(d).