Code of the District of Columbia

§ 4–681.03. Child Trust Fund Program.

*NOTE: This section includes amendments by temporary legislation that will expire on August 3, 2023. To view the text of this section after the expiration of all emergency and temporary legislation affecting this section, click this link: Permanent Version.*

(a) There is established a Child Trust Fund Program, which shall be administered by the Chief Financial Officer, the Department of Human Services, and the Department of Health Care Finance, under which amounts from the Fund shall be designated for each enrollee in the CTF program pursuant to § 4-681.06.

(b)(1) To meet the eligibility requirements for the CTF Program, the Chief Financial Officer, with parental consent, shall use the DC Medicaid participant information received annually from the Department of Human Services, or the Department of Health Care Finance, whichever applies (collectively "agencies") to determine if the household qualifies as an applicable family household; except, that parental consent shall be provided by the eligible child's parent or guardian within 18 months of the birth of the child to be eligible for enrollment in the CTF Program.

(2) The Chief Financial Officer, or the designee, or employees of the Chief Financial Officer, or employees of the designee shall not disclose information with respect to a distribution made from the Fund; except, that information regarding distribution may be disclosed, pursuant to rule, to the beneficiary of the distribution or to another person at the beneficiary's request.

(3) The Chief Financial Officer, or the designee, or employees of the Chief Financial Officer, or employees of the designee may disclose information regarding a distribution made pursuant to § 4-681.06 to a parent or guardian if the beneficiary lacks the legal capacity to request the information.

(c)(1) Upon enrollment, an amount of $500 shall be designated in the Fund for the eligible child enrolled in the CTF Program.

(2) By October 1 of the subsequent year, the deposit amount designated in the Fund for each eligible child enrolled in the CTF Program shall be as follows:

Household's Federal Poverty Level (FPL) Annual Designated Amount
0% to 100% FPL $1,000
101% to 200% FPL $800
201% to 300% FPL $600

(3) On October 1 of each successive year, the maximum annual amount amount provided pursuant to this subsection shall increase in proportion to the annual average increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, Washington-Baltimore Metropolitan area published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor for the previous calendar year; provided, that the Chief Financial Officer certifies that funds are sufficient.

(d) If a household is no longer enrolled in the DC Medicaid program or if the household's income increases above the federal poverty guideline, the annual amounts designated in the Fund for the enrollee shall cease but the amounts already designated for the enrollee in the Fund shall remain available for distribution pursuant to § 4-681.06.