Code of the District of Columbia

§ 5–107.02(Perm). Mandatory continuing education program for sworn members of the Metropolitan Police Department.

(a) The Department shall implement a program of continuing education for its sworn members, which shall consist of a minimum of 32 hours of training each year.

(b) The continuing education required by subsection (a) of this section shall include, at a minimum, instruction on:

(1) Community policing;

(2) Recognizing and preventing biased-based policing;

(3) The use of force;

(4) Limitations on the use of chokeholds and neck restraints;

(4A) Best practices for identifying, and interacting with individuals living with, Alzheimer's Disease or other dementias, and the risks such individuals face, such as wandering and elder abuse[;]

(5) Mental and behavioral health awareness; and

(6) Linguistic and cultural competency.