Code of the District of Columbia

§ 5–116.33(Perm). Body-Worn Camera Program; reporting requirements.

(a) By October 1, 2015, and every 6 months thereafter, the Mayor shall collect, and make available in a publicly accessible format, data on the Metropolitan Police Department’s Body-Worn Camera Program, including:

(1) How many hours of body-worn camera recordings were collected;

(2) How many times body-worn cameras failed while officers were on shift and the reasons for the failures;

(3) How many times internal investigations were opened for a failure to turn on body-worn cameras during interactions;

(4) How many times body-worn camera recordings were used by the Metropolitan Police Department in internal affairs investigations;

(5) How many times body-worn camera recordings were used by the Metropolitan Police Department to investigate complaints made by an individual or group;

(6) How many body-worn cameras are assigned to each police district and police unit for the reporting period;

(7) How many Freedom of Information Act requests the Metropolitan Police Department received for body-worn camera recordings during the reporting period, the outcome of each request, including any reasons for denial, and the cost to the department for complying with each request, including redaction; and

(8) How many recordings were assigned to each body-worn camera recording category.

(b) The Metropolitan Police Department shall provide the Office of Police Complaints with direct access to body-worn camera recordings.