Code of the District of Columbia

§ 5–402. Appointments and promotions covered by civil service; selection of Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chiefs; original appointment and transfer of privates; vacancies.

(a) The Mayor of the District of Columbia shall appoint, assign to such duty or duties as he may prescribe, promote, reduce, fine, suspend, with or without pay, and remove all officers and members of the Fire Department of the District of Columbia, according to such rules and regulations as the Council of the District of Columbia, in its exclusive jurisdiction and judgment (except as herein otherwise provided), may from time to time make, alter, or amend; provided, that the rules and regulations of the Fire Department heretofore promulgated are hereby ratified (except as herein otherwise provided) and shall remain in force until changed by said Council; provided further, that all officers, members, and civilian employees of such Department, except the Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chiefs, shall be appointed and promoted in accordance with the provisions of §§ 1101 to 1103, 1105, 1301 to 1303, 1307, 1308, 2102, 2951, 3302 to 3306, 3318, 3319, 3321, 3361, 7202, 7321, 7322, and 7352 of Title 5, United States Code, and the rules and regulations made in pursuance thereof, in the same manner as members of the classified civil service of the United States, except as herein otherwise provided; provided further, that the Deputy Fire Chiefs shall be selected from among the battalion fire chiefs, the Fire Marshal, and the superintendent of machinery; provided further, that all original appointments of privates shall be made to class 1, privates who have served 1 year in class 1 shall, if found efficient, be transferred to class 2, and privates who have served 2 years in class 2 shall, if found efficient, be transferred to class 3. Such transfers shall not be subject to the provisions of said sections of Title 5, United States Code, and the rules and regulations made in pursuance thereof. Whenever vacancies occur in class 2 or 3 which cannot be filled by such transfers, the Mayor may appoint additional privates in class 1 equal in number to the positions vacant in class 2 or 3; and any moneys appropriated for the payment of the salaries for such vacant positions shall be available to pay to such additional privates of class 1 the salaries of their grade.

(a-1)(1) The Mayor shall appoint the Fire Chief, with the advice and consent of the Council, pursuant to § 1-523.01(a).

(2) The Fire Chief may be selected for appointment from among the ranks of officers and members of the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, or from outside the department.

(3) A person selected for appointment as Fire Chief from outside the department shall be paid from the DX Schedule for subordinate agency head positions pursuant to § 1-610.52 and, unless otherwise provided by law, shall be eligible to receive retirement and other benefits as prescribed in subchapter X-A of Chapter 6 of Title 1 [§ 1-610.51 et seq.].

(4) A person selected for appointment as Fire Chief from among the ranks of officers and members of the department shall be paid from the DX Schedule for subordinate agency head positions pursuant to § 1-610.52 and, unless otherwise provided by law, shall be subject to the retirement provisions for officers and members of the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department.

(b)(1) [For applicability of (b), see Editor’s notes.] The Fire Chief shall recommend to the Director of Personnel criteria for Career Service promotions and Excepted Service appointments to Assistant Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, and Battalion Fire Chief that address the areas of education, experience, physical fitness, and psychological fitness. The recommended criteria shall be the same for Career Service promotions and Excepted Service appointments to these positions. When establishing the criteria, the Fire Chief shall review national standards, such as the National Fire Protection Association’s Standard on Fire Officer Professional Qualifications.

(2) All candidates for the position of Battalion Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief shall be of good standing with no disciplinary action pending or administered resulting in more than a 14-day suspension or termination within the past 3 years.

(3) Members of the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department appointed pursuant to this subsection shall be returned to the immediate previous civil service rank, or to the rank of Captain, when the Mayor so determines.