Code of the District of Columbia

§ 6–1401. Definitions.

For the purposes of this chapter, the term:

(1) "Building Code Official" means the Director of the Department of Buildings, or the Director’s designee.

(1A) "Business establishment" means an entity, however organized, that furnishes goods or services to the general public. An otherwise qualifying establishment that has membership requirements is considered to furnish services to the general public if its membership requirements consist only of the payment of fees or consist of requirements under which a substantial portion of the residents of the District could qualify.

(2) "Construction Codes" means the most recent edition of the codes published by the International Code Council, or by a comparable nationally recognized and accepted code development organization, as adopted and amended by the Construction Codes Supplement by the District pursuant to the procedures set forth in § 6-1409 and in Title 12 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations or any successor regulations; provided, that where the Construction Codes authorize work to be carried to completion under a previous edition of the Construction Codes, the term "Construction Codes" shall refer to that previous edition.

(3) "Construction Codes Supplement" means the additions, insertions, deletions, and changes to the Model Codes adopted by the District pursuant to § 6-1409.

(4) "Construction documents" mean all written, graphic, and pictorial documents prepared or assembled for describing the design, location, and physical characteristics of the elements of a project necessary for obtaining a permit.

(5) "Council" means the Council of the District of Columbia.

(6) "Department" means the Department of Buildings.

(6A) "Diaper-changing station" means a safe, sanitary baby-changing station, deck, table, or similar amenity that is intended for use by the public for the purpose of changing diapers on children.

(7) "Director" means the Director of the Department of Buildings, or the Director’s designee.

(8) "District" means the District of Columbia.

(8B) "District-occupied building" means a building that is owned, leased, acquired or constructed by the District for exclusive use and occupancy by a District agency, department, or instrumentality.

(9) "Fire protection systems" means the devices, equipment, and systems utilized to detect a fire, activate an alarm, or suppress or control a fire, or any combination thereof.

(10) "Model Codes" means the codes published by the International Code Council, or by a comparable nationally recognized and accepted code-development organization, that are adopted by the District pursuant to § 6-1409.

(11) "Project" means construction that is all or a part of one development scheme, built at one time or in phases.

(11A) "Restroom" means an enclosed space containing one or more lavatories or urinals, and one or more sinks and other plumbing fixtures.

(11B) "Substantially renovated" means the construction, alteration, or repair of restroom facilities where the work requires a permit and the cost of construction is $10,000 or more. The cost of construction includes the cost of labor and materials.

(12) " Third party plan reviewer" means a person certified by the Director to conduct a third party review of one or more components of construction documents and to certify compliance with the Construction Codes.