Code of the District of Columbia

Chapter 16. Ballpark Development.

Subchapter I. Construction of Ballpark.

Part A. General.

§ 10–1601.01. Findings.

The Council finds that:

(1) The ownership, construction, development, or renovation of a publicly financed stadium in the District of Columbia, after October 1, 2004, for use primarily for professional athletic team events is a municipal use that is in the interest of, and for the benefit of, the citizens of the District of Columbia because such a publicly-owned stadium or arena will contribute to the social and economic well-being of the citizens of the District of Columbia and significantly enhance the economic development and employment opportunities within the District of Columbia.

(2) To further that interest, it is appropriate for the District of Columbia to pay all or a portion of the cost of constructing, developing, or renovating a stadium and, to that end, to impose a ballpark fee based upon the gross receipts of certain persons doing business within the District of Columbia; to impose a tax on the sales of tickets, or rights to admission, to certain events at the stadium; to impose a tax on sales of personal property and certain services at the stadium and to utilize the revenues derived from such fees and taxes to pay all or a portion of the cost of development, construction, or renovation of the stadium or the debt service on bonds or other evidence of indebtedness issued to finance all or a portion of the cost of the development, construction, or renovation of the stadium; to acquire real property in furtherance of these public purposes; to lease the stadium to one or more professional baseball clubs; and for the District of Columbia and any duly designated District government agency or instrumentality to enter into binding and enforceable contracts to further these purposes.

§ 10–1601.02. Creation of Ballpark Revenue Fund.

(a) For purposes of this section, the term “ballpark” shall have the meaning specified in § 47-2002.05(a)(1).

(b) There is established within the General Fund of the District of Columbia, a segregated, nonlapsing special revenue fund to be denominated as the Ballpark Revenue Fund. Except as provided in § 10-1203.07, the Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia shall pay into the Ballpark Revenue Fund all receipts from those fees and taxes specifically identified by any provision of District of Columbia law to be paid into the fund and any rent paid pursuant to a lease of the ballpark. The Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia shall create a sub-account within the Ballpark Revenue Fund for each type of fee and tax that is to be paid into the fund and shall allocate the receipts from each type of fee and tax to the appropriate sub-account. The Mayor, or any District government agency or instrumentality that has been designated by the Mayor, may pledge and create a security interest in the funds in the Ballpark Revenue Fund, or any sub-account or sub-accounts within the fund, for the payment of the costs of carrying out any of the purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section, for the payment of the debt service on any bonds or other evidence of indebtedness, any fees and charges incurred in connection therewith, any payments owing under any document or instrument entered into in connection with the indebtedness, including any credit enhancement agreement, insurance policy, security agreement, or other agreement or instrument establishing a swap or other derivative arrangement entered into by the District or any District government agency or instrumentality, and any of the purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section, without further action as permitted by § 1-204.90(f). If bonds or other evidence of indebtedness are issued, the payment shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the documents entered into by the District or any District agency or instrumentality in connection with the issuance of the bonds or other evidence of indebtedness. Notwithstanding Article 9 of Subtitle I of Title 28, or any other provision to the contrary, any security interest created pursuant to this subsection shall be valid, binding, and perfected from the time that the security interest is created, with or without the physical delivery of any funds or any other property, with or without further action, and whether or not any statement, document, or instrument relating to the security interest is recorded or filed. The lien created by the security interest shall be valid, binding, and perfected with respect to any person, as defined in § 47-2001(i), having claims against the District, whether or not such person has notice of the lien.

(c) The purposes for which the funds deposited in the Ballpark Revenue Fund shall be used are as follows:

(1) To directly pay, or to finance the reimbursement of, any fund of the General Fund of the District of Columbia which has been the source of the payment of any loan, reprogramming, or transfer of funds to any District government agency or instrumentality for the payment of any reasonable and verified predevelopment and development costs that have been borne by the District or the District government agency or instrumentality for the ballpark;

(2) To directly pay, or to finance the reimbursement of the District or any District government agency or instrumentality for, any and all reasonable and verified predevelopment and development costs that were borne by the District or the District government agency or instrumentality for the ballpark;

(3) To directly pay, or to finance the reimbursement of, the District or any District government agency or instrumentality for any or all costs arising out of or relating to the acquisition of real property, by purchase, lease, or condemnation in accordance with §§ 16-1311 through 16-1321, or other means of acquiring or assembling real property or interests in real property, including rights-of-way or other easements, that will serve as the site for the ballpark or are otherwise necessary to facilitate the construction of the ballpark or use of the site for the ballpark;

(4) To directly pay or finance all or any of the costs of the demolition of buildings located on the future site of the ballpark and the cost of environmental remediation of the land that is the future site of the ballpark;

(5) To directly pay or finance all or any of the costs of the design, development, construction, improvement, furnishing, and equipping of the ballpark;

(6) To directly pay or finance all or any of the costs of renovating Robert F. Kennedy Stadium for use as a ballpark until construction of the new ballpark has been completed;

(7) To directly pay or finance all or any of the costs of any future renovations, improvements, maintenance, or upgrades to Robert F. Kennedy Stadium or the new ballpark after its construction has been completed;

(8) To directly pay or finance all or any other costs of the District or any District government agency associated with the financing, development, construction, or renovation of the ballpark;

(9) To pay debt service on bonds issued in accordance with this part, which debt service includes funding any required reserves on, and making any other payments related to, the bonds; and

(10) Subject to the provisions of the financing documents, for such purposes as may otherwise be authorized by law.

(d) To the extent that it does not violate the terms of any financing documents, closing documents, lien, pledge, security interest, or other covenants (collectively, “financing documents”) under which the bonds or other evidence of indebtedness described in this section (“bonds”) were issued, and, after accounting for transfers authorized to the General Fund of the District of Columbia under current law, if, at the end of a fiscal year the balance of cash and investments in the Ballpark Revenue Fund exceeds the balance of current liabilities, including debt service, required reserves, fund transfers previously authorized to balance the Fiscal Year 2011 budget and Fiscal Years 2012 through 2014 financial plan, and required sinking fund deposits under the bonds or financing documents required to be paid from the funds in the Ballpark Revenue Fund, the excess shall be used to pay in advance of scheduled maturity any principal amount and accrued interest thereon due on the bonds; provided, that any excess that accrues during Fiscal Year 2020, Fiscal Year 2021, or Fiscal Year 2022 shall be deposited in the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund during the fiscal year in which it accrues.

§ 10–1601.03. Bond issuance.

(a) For the purposes of this section, the term:

(1) “Ballpark Revenue Fund” means the Ballpark Revenue Fund established by § 10-1601.02.

(2) “Bonds” means District of Columbia revenue bonds, notes, or other obligations (including refunding bonds, notes, and other obligations) in one or more series, authorized to be issued pursuant to § 1-204.90 and this subchapter.

(3) “Home Rule Act” means Chapter 2 of Title 1.

(4) “Project” means:

(A) The financing, refinancing, or reimbursing of costs incurred in the site acquisition for, and the development, design, construction, improvement, furnishing, and equipping of, the ballpark as the term is defined in § 47-2002.05(a)(1);

(B) The funding of any required deposit to a debt service reserve fund or capitalized interest;

(C) The payment of certain costs of issuance, such as fees and premiums for any bond insurance or credit enhancement;

(D) The payment of any costs for which funds in the Ballpark Revenue Fund may be expended; and

(E) For which the aggregate expenditure of funds constituting the principal amount of bonds for the purposes set forth in subparagraphs (A) through (C) of this paragraph does not exceed $534,800,000.

(b)(1) The Council authorizes the issuance by the Mayor of one or more series of bonds in a total amount not to exceed $534,800,000 for payment of the costs of the project and to execute one or more declarations of intent pursuant to Treas. Reg. § 1.150-2 to reimburse the District for expenditures made prior to the issuance of the bonds.

(2) There is hereby allocated to the bonds the funds in the Ballpark Revenue Fund, or such portion of the funds as shall be determined in accordance with the terms of the bonds, for the payment of debt service on the bonds and the payment of such other costs as are permitted to be paid with funds from the Ballpark Revenue Fund.

(c)(1) The Mayor may take any action necessary or appropriate in accordance with this subchapter in connection with the preparation, execution, issuance, sale, delivery, security for, and payment of the bonds of each series, including determinations of:

(A) The final form, content, designation, and terms of the bonds, including a determination that the bonds may be issued in certificated or book entry form;

(B) The principal amount of the bonds to be issued and the denominations of the bonds;

(C) The rate or rates of interest on, and the method or methods of determining the rate or rates of interest on, the bonds;

(D) The date or dates of issuance, sale, and delivery of, the payment of interest on, and the maturity date or dates of, the bonds;

(E) Whether the bonds are to be sold at a competitive or negotiated sale and the terms and conditions of the sale;

(F) The terms under which the bonds may be paid, optionally or mandatorily redeemed, accelerated, tendered, called or put for redemption, repurchase, or remarketing before their respective stated maturities;

(G) Provisions for the registration, transfer, and exchange of each series of the bonds and the replacement of mutilated, lost, stolen, or destroyed bonds;

(H) The creation of any reserve fund, sinking fund, or other fund with respect to the bonds and the determination of the priority thereof;

(I) The time and place of payment of the bonds;

(J) Whether the bonds will be taxable, tax-exempt, or a combination thereof;

(K) Procedures for monitoring the use of the proceeds received from the sale of the bonds to ensure that they are properly applied to the project and used to accomplish the purposes of this subchapter;

(L) Actions necessary to qualify the bonds under the blue sky laws of any jurisdiction where the bonds are marketed; and

(M) The terms and types of credit enhancement under which the bonds may be secured.

(2) The bonds shall contain a legend, which shall provide that the bonds are special obligations of the District, are without recourse to the District, are not a pledge of, and do not involve, the faith and credit or the taxing power of the District (other than the payments from the Ballpark Revenue Fund or any other security authorized by this subchapter), do not constitute a debt of the District, and do not constitute lending of the public credit for private undertakings as prohibited by § 1-206.02(a)(2).

(3) The bonds shall be executed in the name of the District and on its behalf by the manual or facsimile signature of the Mayor. The Mayor’s execution and delivery of the bonds shall constitute conclusive evidence of the Mayor’s approval on behalf of the District of the final form and content of the bonds.

(4) The official seal of the District, or a facsimile of it, shall be impressed, printed, or otherwise reproduced on the bonds.

(5) The bonds may be issued at any time or from time to time in one or more issues and one or more series and may be sold at public or private sale. A series of bonds may be secured by a trust agreement or trust indenture between the District and a corporate trustee having trust powers, and may be secured by a loan agreement or other instrument or instruments by means of which the District may:

(A) Make and enter into any and all covenants and agreements with the trustee or the holders of the bonds that the District may determine to be necessary or desirable relating to:

(i) The application, investment, deposit, use, and disposition of the proceeds of bonds and the other funds, securities, and property of the District;

(ii) The assignment by the District of its rights in any agreement;

(iii) The terms and conditions upon which additional bonds of the District may be issued;

(iv) The appointment of a trustee to act on behalf of bondholders and abrogating or limiting the rights of the bondholders to appoint a trustee; and

(v) The vesting in a trustee for the benefit of the holders of bonds, or in the bondholders directly, such rights and remedies as the District shall determine to be necessary or desirable;

(B) Pledge, mortgage or assign monies, agreements, property or other assets of the District, either in hand or to be received in the future, or both;

(C) Provide for bond insurance, letters of credit, interest rate swaps, or other financial derivative products or otherwise enhance the credit of and security for the payment of the bonds or reduce or otherwise manage the interest costs of the bonds and provide security therefor; and

(D) Provide for any other matters of like or different character that in any way affects the security for or payment on the bonds.

(d) The bonds are declared to be issued for essential public and governmental purposes. The bonds, the interest thereon, the income therefrom, and all monies pledged or available to pay or secure the payment of the bonds, shall at all times be exempt from taxation by the District, except for estate, inheritance, and gift taxes.

(e) The District hereby pledges and covenants and agrees with the holders of the bonds that, subject to the provisions of the financing documents, the District will not limit or alter the revenues pledged to secure the bonds or the basis on which the revenues are collected or allocated, will not impair the contractual obligations of the District to fulfill the terms of any agreement made with the holders of the bonds, will not in any way impair the rights or remedies of the holders of the bonds, and will not modify in any way, with respect to the bonds, the exemptions from taxation provided for in this subchapter, until the bonds, together with interest thereon, with interest on any unpaid installment of interest and all costs and expenses in connection with any suit, action, or proceeding by or on behalf of the holders of the bonds, are fully met and discharged. This pledge and agreement for the District may be included as part of the contract with the holders of the bonds. This subsection shall constitute a contract between the District and the holders of the bonds. To the extent that any acts or resolutions of the Council may be in conflict with this subchapter, this subchapter shall be controlling.

(f) Consistent with § 1-204.90(a)(4)(B), and notwithstanding Article 9 of Subtitle I of Title 28:

(1) A pledge made and security interest created in respect of the bonds or pursuant to any related financing document shall be valid, binding, and perfected from the time the security interest is created, with or without physical delivery of any funds or any property and with or without any further action;

(2) The lien of the pledge shall be valid, binding and perfected as against all parties having any claim of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the District, whether or not the party has notice; and

(3) The security interest shall be valid, binding, and perfected whether or not any statement, document, or instrument relating to the security interest is recorded or filed.

(g) If there shall be a default in the payment of the principal of, or interest on, any bonds of a series after the principal or interest shall become due and payable, whether at maturity or upon call for redemption, or if the District shall fail or refuse to carry out and perform the terms of any agreement with the holders of any of the bonds, the holders of the bonds, or the trustee appointed to act on behalf of the holder of the bonds, may, subject to the provisions of the financing documents, do the following:

(1) By action, writ, or other proceeding, enforce all rights of the holders of the bonds, including the right to require the District to carry out and perform the terms of any agreement with the holders of the bonds or its duties under this subchapter;

(2) By action, require the District to account as if it were the trustee of an express trust;

(3) By action, petition to enjoin any acts or things that may be unlawful or in violation of the rights of the holders of the bonds; and

(4) Declare all the bonds to be due and payable, whether or not in advance of or at maturity and, if all defaults be made good, annul the declaration and its consequences.

(h)(1) The members of the Council, the Mayor, or any person executing any of the bonds shall not be personally liable on the bonds by reason of their issuance.

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, the bonds shall not be general obligations of the District and shall not be a debt or liability of the District within the meaning of any debt or other limit prescribed by law. The faith and credit or the general taxing power of the District (other than funds in the Ballpark Revenue Fund or any other security authorized by this subchapter) shall not be pledged to secure the payment of the bonds.

(i) The Mayor shall select the underwriter for the bonds through a request for proposals and recommend to the underwriter a counsel that shall serve as counsel to the underwriter regarding the issuance of bonds. The bonds shall be sold to the underwriter through a negotiated process.

§ 10–1601.04. Local, small, and disadvantaged business enterprises, First Source employment, and apprentice requirements.

(a) For purposes of this section, the term “ballpark” shall have the meaning specified in § 47-2002.05(a)(1).

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Mayor shall take all measures as shall be reasonably necessary to assure that all contracts entered into by the District or any agency or instrumentality of the District with respect to the ballpark shall comply with the requirements of subchapter IX-A of Chapter 2 of Title 2 [repealed].

(c) The Mayor shall take all measures as shall be reasonably necessary to assure that all contracts entered into by the District or any agency or instrumentality of the District with respect to each major phase of the development and construction of the ballpark, including contracts for architectural, engineering, and construction services, shall provide that at least 50% of the work in the aggregate under such contracts shall be awarded to local business enterprises, local small business enterprises, or local disadvantaged business enterprises, as such terms are defined in § 2-218.02; provided, that of the percentage of the work required by this section to be awarded to local business enterprises, local small business enterprises, or local disadvantaged business enterprises, 35% of the work shall be awarded to local small business enterprises or local disadvantaged business enterprises, as such terms are defined in § 2-218.02; provided further, that if the 35% requirement is unattainable, the Mayor shall report this to the Council for reconsideration. Of the percentage of the work required by this section to be awarded to local small business enterprises or local disadvantaged business enterprises, not less than 20% of the work shall be awarded to local disadvantaged business enterprises.

(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Mayor shall take all measures as shall be reasonably necessary to assure that all contracts entered into by the District or any agency or instrumentality of the District with respect to the development and construction of the ballpark shall comply with First Source Employment requirements of subchapter X of Chapter 2 of Title 2 [§ 2-219.01 et seq.].

(e)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Mayor shall take all measures as shall be reasonably necessary to assure that all contracts entered into by the District or any agency or instrumentality of the District with respect to the development and construction of the ballpark shall comply with the requirements of subchapter I of Chapter 14 of Title 32 [§ 32-1401 et seq.].

(2)(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 50% of all apprenticeship hours performed pursuant to apprenticeship programs related to the construction and operation of the ballpark shall be performed by District of Columbia residents.

(B) Any prime contractor or subcontractor that fails to make a good faith effort to comply with the requirements of this paragraph shall be subject to a monetary fine in the amount of 5% of the direct or indirect labor costs of the contract. Fines shall be imposed by the Contracting Officer and remitted to the Department of Employment Services to be applied to job training programs, subject to appropriations by Congress.

(f) The Mayor shall encourage the owner of any professional baseball franchise that operates in the ballpark to enter into broadcast media rights agreements with broadcast media companies that are local business enterprises and disadvantaged business enterprises as such terms are defined in § 2-218.02.

§ 10–1601.05. Ballpark development and construction.

(a) For the purposes of this section, the term:

(1) “Ballpark” means a baseball-specific stadium owned by the District and constructed on the ballpark site.

(2) “Ballpark site” means the site bounded by N Street, S.E., Potomac Avenue, S.E., South Capitol Street, S.E., and 1st Street, S.E., or such other site as determined in accordance with subsection (b)(2) of this section if this primary site shall be unavailable to be acquired by the Mayor.

(3) “Baseball Stadium Agreement” means the Baseball Stadium Agreement dated as of September 29, 2004 by and among the Government of the District of Columbia, the Sports and Entertainment Commission, and Baseball Expos, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership.

(4) “MLB Team” means the entity that owns the Major League Baseball franchise that will play its home games in the ballpark.

(b)(1) For purposes of this subsection, the term:

(A) “Ballpark” shall have the meaning specified in § 47-2002.05(a)(1)(A).

(B) “Baseball Stadium Agreement” shall have the meaning specified in subsection (a)(3) of this section.

(2) The Mayor, subject to such conditions as the Mayor shall determine, shall:

(A) Acquire and convey to the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation, for use by the Sports and Entertainment Commission to satisfy its responsibilities under this subchapter, all necessary real property, including rights-of-way or other easements, that shall be required to develop, construct, and complete a ballpark within the site bounded by N Street, S.E., Potomac Avenue, S.E., South Capitol Street, S.E., and 1st Street, S.E.; provided, that if this site shall be unavailable or infeasible for the timely completion of a ballpark on or prior to March 1, 2008 relying only on the funding authority provided in this subchapter, any designated alternative site in the District of Columbia, including the site for Robert F. Kennedy Stadium, as defined in § 3-1402(4) [repealed], that the Mayor determines, subject to the approvals required in section 4.01 of the Baseball Stadium Agreement, will be available and feasible for the timely completion of a ballpark relying only on the funding authority provided in this subchapter; provided further, that if the designated alternative site is not within the Anacostia Waterfront, as that term is defined in subchapter XII of Chapter 12 of Title 2, the alternative site shall be conveyed directly to the Sports and Entertainment Commission; and

(B) Provide to the Sports and Entertainment Commission all funds from the Ballpark Revenue Fund or from the issuance of bonds secured by the Ballpark Revenue Fund as shall be required by the Sports and Entertainment Commission for the development, construction, completion, and leasing of the ballpark on the ballpark site in accordance with this section.

(3) The Mayor shall provide the Council with the following information associated with the ballpark:

(A) A copy of any term sheet, loan commitment, or any other material obligation executed by the District or any District government agency or instrumentality to finance the District government’s costs associated with the development of the ballpark;

(B) A copy of each material contract executed by the District or any District government agency or instrumentality for goods or services associated with the development of the ballpark; and

(C) On or before July 1, 2005, and every 6 months thereafter, a semiannual report which provides an accounting and itemization of all financial obligations and expenditures of the District government and all revenues generated to the District government associated with the development of the ballpark.

(c) The Sports and Entertainment Commission shall develop and construct a ballpark on the ballpark site in accordance with the following requirements:

(1) The ballpark shall be a first-class, open air baseball stadium to be constructed on the ballpark site, having a natural grass playing field, a capacity of approximately 41,000 seats, and market-appropriate concession, entertainment, and retail areas, fixtures, furnishings, equipment, features, and amenities.

(2) The ballpark shall be designed to comply with all public safety, accessibility, and urban planning requirements generally applicable to buildings of such scale, purpose, and location in the District of Columbia.

(3)(A) The Sports and Entertainment Commission shall enter into a Construction Administration Agreement with the Mayor and the MLB Team. The Construction Administration Agreement shall require the Sports and Entertainment Commission, the Mayor, and the MLB Team to form a Project Coordination Team to perform the following functions:

(i) Make non-binding recommendations to the Sports and Entertainment Commission and the MLB Team with respect to the retention of various design, engineering, construction, consulting, and construction management firms that will assist in the development and construction of the ballpark;

(ii) Receive reports from such firms pertaining to schedule, budget and other aspects of the development and construction of the ballpark; and

(iii) Make or provide the consents, authorizations, approvals, decisions, and other actions expressly required of the Project Coordination Team, to the extent legally permitted, under the Construction Administration Agreement.

(B) The Construction Administration Agreement shall provide for periodic regular meetings of the Project Coordination Team and for special meetings upon reasonable prior notice. The Sports and Entertainment Commission and the Mayor together shall have one vote and the MLB Team shall have one vote on the Project Coordination Team, and each will have the right to appoint and replace its voting representative by written notice to the other party. The voting representative who represents the Sports and Entertainment Commission and the Mayor shall be chosen jointly by the Sports and Entertainment Commission and the Mayor. Each voting member of the Project Coordination Team may act on behalf of the party or parties it represents, and in connection with the development and construction of the ballpark, may sign documents, authorize action, and otherwise bind the party or parties that it represents in connection with matters properly before the Project Coordination Team. The Project Coordination Team shall take action only by unanimous vote of its voting members.

(4) The Sports and Entertainment Commission shall use a competitive procurement process in accordance with its procurement regulations to select and engage the design, engineering, construction, consulting, and construction management firms and shall require such firms to comply with subchapter X of Chapter 2 of Title 2 [§ 2-219.01 et seq.].

(5) The ballpark shall be designed and constructed in a manner to promote the minimization of:

(A) The life cycle cost and environmental impact of the facility and dependence on petroleum-based fuels by utilizing energy efficiency, water conservation, or solar or other renewable energy technologies; and

(B) Waste production, water pollution, and storm water runoff from the facility, taking into account applicable criteria in effect, on April 8, 2005, of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System for New Construction and Major Renovation, LEED-NC version 2.1, as defined by the U.S. Green Building Council.

(6) The Sports and Entertainment Commission shall comply with the expenditure limitations set forth in §§ 10-1601.32 and 10-1601.33. The Sports and Entertainment Commission shall submit a monthly report of expenditures to the Council no later than the 15th of each month.

(d) The Sports and Entertainment Commission shall lease the ballpark, on behalf of the District, to the MLB Team pursuant to a lease agreement that has an initial term of at least 30 consecutive years, plus 5 2-year renewal options, and that is otherwise in accordance with the terms of the Baseball Stadium Agreement.

(e)(1) The Sports and Entertainment Commission and the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation shall promptly enter into a memorandum of understanding which shall address these agencies’ shared responsibilities for developing the master urban site plan and exterior design guidelines for the ballpark and parcels adjacent to the ballpark site within the Anacostia Waterfront.

(2) Parts F and G of subchapter XII of Chapter 12 of Title 2 [§ 2-1223.21 et seq. and § 2-1223.23 et seq., both repealed], shall not apply to the ballpark or the Robert F. Kennedy Stadium.

(f) Except as provided in §§ 10-1601.32 and 10-1601.33, no funds in the General Fund of the District of Columbia shall be spent on the hard and soft costs (as the terms are defined in part B of this subchapter) for construction of the ballpark.

(g) References in this section to the Sports and Entertainment Commission shall be deemed to refer to the Washington Convention and Sports Authority, as successor to the Sports and Entertainment Commission, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

§ 10–1601.06. Requirement to invite and evaluate private financing.

(a) For purposes of this section, the term “ballpark” shall have the meaning specified in § 47-2002.05(a)(1)(A).

(b) There is hereby established the Baseball Financing Review Fund as a segregated, nonlapsing special revenue fund in the District separate and apart from the General Fund of the District of Columbia. All fees specifically identified by subsection (c) of this section shall be deposited into the Baseball Financing Review Fund without regard to fiscal year limitation pursuant to an act of Congress. All fees deposited into the Baseball Financing Review Fund shall not revert to the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the end of any fiscal year or at any other time, and shall be continually available to pay or reimburse the cost of services related to the evaluation and reporting of proposals as required by subsections (d) and (e) of this section, subject to authorization by Congress.

(c)(1) Within 30 days of April 8, 2005, the Chief Financial Officer shall cause to be published a notice that the District is seeking the submission of supplemental or alternative financing plans and proposals for the development and construction of the ballpark in accordance with §§ 10-1601.04 and 10-1601.05 that would provide for a meaningful and substantial reduction in:

(A) The minimum annual amount of ballpark fees required to be collected under § 47-2762; and

(B) The principal amount of bonds that the District would otherwise need to issue under §§ 10-1601.03 and 10-1601.05.

(2) Any party submitting a supplemental or alternative financing plan or proposal shall also submit a reasonable proposal fee, in an amount to be determined by the Chief Financial Officer, to defray the costs to the District of evaluating and reporting upon the supplemental or alternative financing plan or proposal. All proposal fees shall be deposited into the Baseball Financing Review Fund.

(d)(1) The Chief Financial Officer, in consultation with the Mayor and the Council, shall:

(A) Establish criteria for the requested supplemental or alternative financing plans and proposals, and include this criteria within the notice required by subsection (c) of this section; and

(B) Evaluate such proposals in accordance with the criteria.

(2) The criteria shall limit consideration to only bona fide supplemental or alternative financing plans and proposals that have been submitted by parties that:

(A) Are financially capable of performing the supplemental or alternative financing plan and proposal; and

(B) Substantially reduce the amount or duration of the proposed ballpark fee as set forth in § 47-2762.

(e)(1) Not later than March 15, 2005, and not less than 45 days prior to the issuance of bonds authorized by this subchapter, the Chief Financial Officer shall deliver a report to the Mayor and the Council, describing and evaluating all supplemental or alternative financing plans and proposals that were submitted in accordance with subsections (c) and (d) of this section.

(2) If the Chief Financial Officer finds that at least one supplemental or alternative financing plan or proposal meets the criteria established pursuant to subsection (c) and (d) of this section and certifies that at least 50% of the cost of constructing the ballpark can be financed privately, the Mayor, within 15 days of the submission of the report by the Chief Financial Officer, shall submit proposed legislation to the Council to replace part or all of the public financing otherwise required by this subchapter and thereby substantially reduce the amount or duration of the proposed ballpark fee; provided, that the private financing legislation otherwise preserves the obligations and economics of the Baseball Stadium Agreement.

(f) This section shall not create any legal obligation or liability on the part of the District to any party who submits a supplemental or alternative financing plan or proposal pursuant to this section.

§ 10–1601.07. Requirement to review costs and pursue alternative ballpark site.

(a) For purposes of this section, the term “ballpark” shall have the meaning specified in § 47-2002.05(a)(1)(A).

(b) For the purposes of this section, land acquisition costs shall include the following:

(1) One separate appraisal of each parcel of land to be acquired, which shall be performed after April 8, 2005;

(2) An estimate of the environmental remediation costs; and

(3) Legal expenses associated with land acquisition.

(c) For purposes of this section, infrastructure costs shall include the following:

(1) The District Department of Transportation’s estimate for basic road and sidewalk improvements;

(2) The cost of expanding the Navy Yard Metro station to accommodate the additional usage anticipated by the stadium; and

(3) Water and sewer relocation costs.

(d) Prior to May 15, 2005, and prior to the date upon which the District enters into any obligation to acquire or purchase any property on a site bounded by N Street, S.E., Potomac Avenue, S.E., South Capitol Street, S.E., and 1st Street, S.E. (“primary ballpark site”), the Chief Financial Officer shall re-estimate the costs to the District for land acquisition and infrastructure and provide a report on this re-estimate to the Mayor and the Council.

(e) If the total amount of these re-estimated costs to the District exceeds $165 million, the primary ballpark site shall be deemed financially unavailable by the District pursuant to this subchapter. Pursuant to this subchapter, the Mayor and the Sports and Entertainment Commission shall pursue replacement of the primary ballpark site with a substantially less costly site in the District, subject to the approval of Baseball Expos, L.P., or its assigns or successors, in accordance with the Baseball Stadium Agreement.

§ 10–1601.08. Certain required provisions to be included in future agreements.

(a) The Construction Administration Agreement, referenced in § 10-1601.05(c)(3), shall require a risk management program that minimizes the exposure of the Sports and Entertainment Commission and the District to cost overrun and late completion risk under section 8.04(c)(iii) of the Baseball Stadium Agreement, as defined in § 10-1601.05(a)(3), including, but not limited to provisions that:

(1) Require the team to share equally with the District or the Sports and Entertainment Commission the cost of a program that includes:

(A) A mutually selected insurance consultant engaged to advise on the procurement of construction period insurance and the cost effective allocation of late completion risk in the construction documents;

(B) Mutually approved construction period insurance carried pursuant to section 4.05 of the Baseball Stadium Agreement; and

(C) A mutually selected value engineering consultant engaged to advise the project coordination team on mitigation of cost overrun risk;

(2) To the extent that the team is entitled to compensatory damages under section 8.04(c)(iii) of the Baseball Stadium Agreement as a result of a force majeure event for which there is insurance coverage under subparagraph (1)(A) of this subsection, provide that the team’s recourse to the District or the Sports and Entertainment Commission for the recovery of such damages shall be limited exclusively to the proceeds of the insurance; and

(3) To the extent that the team is entitled to compensatory damages under section 8.04(c)(iii) of the Baseball Stadium Agreement with regard to a missed deadline, provide that the team’s recourse to the District or the Sports and Entertainment Commission for the recovery of such damages, after giving effect to any insurance or other third party recoveries, shall be limited exclusively to:

(A) With regard to the first 12 months following the missing deadline, the right of offset against the license fees for the use of Robert F. Kennedy Stadium after March 1, 2008; and

(B) With regard to the second 12 months following the missed deadline, an amount calculated in accordance with the Baseball Stadium Agreement that shall not exceed $19 million.

(b) The ballpark lease agreement and the license agreement for interim use of Robert F. Kennedy Stadium shall each include provisions requiring Baseball Expos, L.P., or its assigns or successors, to maintain its Major League Baseball franchise in the District for the term of the agreement, and shall each include such other provisions and remedies as shall be necessary to ensure enforcement of this obligation, including all remedies available under District law, and provisions requiring Baseball Expos, L.P., or its assigns or successors, if the team relocates from the District prior to the expiration of the term of the agreement, to directly pay, or to finance the reimbursement of the District or any other party, for any and all outstanding costs to be borne by the District or any other party related to the ballpark as set forth in § 10-1601.02(c), and for any lost revenue that the District or any other party would have received if the team had completed its term.

Part B. Ballpark Construction Hard and Soft Costs Cap.

§ 10–1601.31. Definitions.

For the purposes of this part, the term:

(1) “Ballpark”, “Ballpark Site”, and “MLB Team” shall have the same meanings as provided in § 10-1601.05(a)(1), (2), and (4), respectively.

(2) “Bonds” shall have the same meaning as in § 10-1601.03(a)(2).

(3) “Hard costs” means the direct construction costs and builders contingency costs, estimated as $295,075,993 and $24,924,007, respectively, in the revised budget for the ballpark transmitted by the District of Columbia Sports and Entertainment Commission to the Council on February 3, 2006, for the construction of the ballpark.

(4) “Soft costs” means the soft, ancillary, contingency, completion guarantee fee, and financing fee costs for the construction of the ballpark, excluding the land acquisition, environmental remediation, relocation, and demolition costs, estimated as $117,342,193, and excluding the $24 million utilized for the renovation of RFK Stadium, as reflected in the May 31, 2007 revised budget for the ballpark transmitted by the District of Columbia Sports and Entertainment Commission to the Council on June 15, 2007.

§ 10–1601.32. Limitation on contribution of bond proceeds and expenditure of funds.

(a) The District’s contribution of bond proceeds from public financing to the project budget, and the expenditure of funds, for the construction of the ballpark shall not exceed $300 million for the hard costs and $175,184,218 for the soft costs.

(b) The expenditure limits of $300 million and $175,184,218 shall include public funds from any source expended by the District government or any of its independent agencies or instrumentalities.

§ 10–1601.33. Payment in excess of expenditure limits.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and in accordance with Council approval of contract CA 16-185, the lease agreement between the District of Columbia Sports and Entertainment Commission and Baseball Expos, L.P., and the Construction Administration Agreement as set forth in the Ballpark Hard and Soft Costs Cap and Ballpark Lease Conditional Approval Temporary Act of 2006, effective June 8, 2006 (D.C. Law 16-115; 53 DCR 2542), and subject to § 10-1601.32, the amount of the hard costs in excess of $300 million and the soft costs in excess of $175,184,218 shall be paid by:

(1) The MLB Team;

(2) Savings realized from value engineering; or

(3)(A) Federal;

(B) Private; or

(C) Other non-District government funds, except that District government funds, other than funds in the General Fund of the District of Columbia, may be used if required by the bond indenture to finance the construction of the ballpark.

(b) The funds required by the bond indenture to finance construction of the ballpark, referred to in subsection (a)(3)(C) of this section, include approximately $37 million of baseball revenue collected in 2005 (plus interest), approximately $30 million of interest earned from the borrowing, and approximately $9 million of premium received on the sale of the bonds. These fees shall not exceed the total expenditure limits set forth in this part.

(c) Any revenue derived from development rights on the Ballpark Site by the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation or any District government entity, independent agency, or instrumentality shall not be used for any overruns on the hard and soft costs, but may be used for any overruns on the land acquisition and remediation costs that are documented.

(d) The funds from the sources listed in subsection (a) of this section may be expended to cover any amount of the hard costs in excess of $300 million and any amount of the soft costs in excess of $175,184,218.

§ 10–1601.34. Development rights.

(a) The District government, or one of its instrumentalities, such as the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation, shall control development rights on the north side of the Ballpark Site and all but 210,000 square feet of development rights reserved for the MLB Team purposes on the south side of the Ballpark Site. Development on the east side of the Ballpark Site, on First Street, S.E., shall generate revenue to the District and shall be developed in accordance with a plan approved by the Council.

(b) Any excess revenues derived from development rights that are not used for cost overruns for land acquisition and environmental remediation shall be deposited into the Community Benefits Fund established by § 10-1602.02.

Subchapter II. Community Benefit Fund Associated with Ballpark.

§ 10–1602.01. Findings.

The Council finds that it is appropriate that the District of Columbia seek to utilize the economic benefits that will be derived from the construction of the ballpark for the benefit and well-being of the residents of the District.

§ 10–1602.02. Creation of Community Benefit Fund. [Repealed]


§ 10–1602.03. Bond issuance.

(a) For the purposes of this section, the term:

(1) “Community Benefit Fund” means the Community Benefit Fund established by § 10-1602.02.

(2) “Bonds” means the District of Columbia revenue bonds, notes, or other obligations (including refunding bonds, notes, and other obligations) in one or more series, authorized to be issued pursuant to § 1-204.90, as implemented by this subchapter.

(3) “DC Ballpark TIF area” means the tax increment financing area designated and established by § 2-1217.12.

(4) “Home Rule Act” means Chapter 2 of Title 1.

(5) “Projects” means the financing, refinancing, or reimbursing of costs incurred in the site acquisition for, and the development, design, construction, improvement, furnishing, and equipping of recreation centers, libraries, small business development incentives, job training and readiness programs, school athletic facilities, and such other projects to be of benefit to any community of the District.

(b) The Council hereby authorizes the issuance of one or more series of Bonds in an aggregate amount not to exceed $450 million for payment of the costs of the projects, of which $50 million shall be used for infrastructure improvements in the DC Ballpark TIF Area. There is hereby allocated to the bonds the funds in the Community Benefit Fund, or such portion of the funds as shall be determined in accordance with the terms of the bonds, for the payment of debt service on the bonds and the payment of such other costs as are permitted to be paid with funds from the Community Benefit Fund. The issuance of any series of bonds shall be approved by resolution of the Council.

(c) The Mayor may take any action necessary or appropriate in accordance with this subchapter in connection with the preparation, execution, issuance, sale, delivery, and payment of bonds, including determinations of:

(1) The final form, content, designation, and terms of the bonds, including a determination that the bonds may be issued in certificate or book entry form;

(2) The principal amount of the bonds to be issued and the denominations of the bonds;

(3) The rate or rates of interest on, and the method or methods of determining the rate or rates of interest on, the bonds;

(4) The date or dates of issuance, sale, and delivery of, the payment of interest on, and the maturity date or dates of, the bonds;

(5) Whether the bonds are to be sold at a competitive or negotiated sale and the terms and conditions of the sale;

(6) The terms under which the bonds may be paid, optionally or mandatorily redeemed, accelerated, called or put for redemption, repurchase, or remarketing before their respective stated maturities;

(7) Provisions for the registration, transfer, and exchange of each series of bonds and the replacement of mutilated, lost, stolen, or destroyed bonds;

(8) The creation of any reserve fund, sinking fund, or other fund with respect to the bonds and the determination of the priority thereof;

(9) The time and place of payment of the bonds;

(10) Whether the bonds will be taxable, tax-exempt, or a combination thereof;

(11) Procedures for monitoring the use of the proceeds received from the sale of the bonds to ensure that they are properly applied to the projects and used to accomplish the purposes of this subchapter; and

(12) Actions necessary to qualify the bonds under the blue sky laws of any jurisdiction where the bonds are marketed.

(d) The bonds shall contain a legend, which shall provide that the bonds shall be special obligations of the District, shall be nonrecourse to the District, shall not be a pledge of, and shall not involve, the faith and credit or the taxing power of the District (other than the payments from the Community Benefit Fund or any other security authorized by this subchapter), shall not constitute a debt of the District, and shall not constitute lending of the public credit for private undertakings as prohibited by § 1-206.02(a)(2).

(e) The bonds shall be executed in the name of the District and on its behalf by the manual or facsimile signature of the Mayor. The Mayor’s execution and delivery of the bonds shall constitute conclusive evidence of the Mayor’s approval on behalf of the District of the final form and content of the bonds.

(f) The official seal of the District, or a facsimile of it, shall be impressed, printed or otherwise reproduced on the bonds.

(g) The bonds may be issued at any time or from time to time in one or more issues and one or more series and may be sold at public or private sale. A series of bonds may be secured by a trust agreement or trust indenture between the District and a corporate trustee having trust powers, and may be secured by a loan agreement or other instrument or instruments by means of which the District may:

(1) Make and enter into any and all covenants and agreements with the trustee or the holders of the bonds that the District may determine to be necessary or desirable relating to:

(A) The application, investment, deposit, use, and disposition of the proceeds of bonds and the other monies, securities, and property of the District;

(B) The assignment by the District of its rights in any agreement;

(C) The terms and conditions upon which additional bonds of the District may be issued;

(D) The appointment of a trustee to act on behalf of bondholders and abrogating or limiting the rights of the bondholders to appoint a trustee; and

(E) The vesting in a trustee for the benefit of the holders of bonds, or in the bondholders directly, such rights and remedies as the District shall determine to be necessary or desirable;

(2) Pledge, mortgage or assign monies, agreements, property, or other assets of the District, either in hand or to be received in the future, or both;

(3) Provide for bond insurance, letters of credit, interest rate swaps, or other financial derivative products or otherwise enhance the credit of and security for the payment of the bonds or reduce or otherwise manage the interest costs of the bonds; and

(4) Provide for any other matters of like or different character that in any way affects the security for or payment on the bonds.

(h) The bonds are declared to be issued for essential public and governmental purposes. The Bonds, the interest thereon, the income therefrom, and all monies pledged or available to pay or secure the payment of the bonds, shall at all times be exempt from taxation by the District, except for estate, inheritance, and gift taxes.

(i) The District does hereby pledge and covenant and agree with the holders of the bonds that, subject to the provisions of the financing documents, the District will not limit or alter the revenues pledged to secure the bonds or the basis on which the revenues are collected or allocated, will not impair the contractual obligations of the District to fulfill the terms of any agreement made with the holders of the bonds, will not in any way impair the rights or remedies of the holders of the bonds, and will not modify in any way, with respect to the bonds, the exemptions from taxation provided for in this subchapter, until the bonds, together with interest thereon, with interest on any unpaid installment of interest and all costs and expenses in connection with any suit, action or proceeding by or on behalf of the holders of the bonds, are fully met and discharged. This pledge and agreement for the District may be included as part of the contract with the holders of the bonds. This subsection shall constitute a contract between the District and the holders of the bonds. To the extent that any acts or resolutions of the Council may be in conflict with this subchapter, this subchapter shall be controlling.

(j) Consistent with § 1-204.90(a)(4)(B), and notwithstanding Article 9 of Subtitle I of Title 28:

(1) A pledge made and security interest created in respect of the bonds or pursuant to any related financing document shall be valid, binding, and perfected from the time the security interest is created, with or without physical delivery of any funds or any property and with or without any further action;

(2) The lien of the pledge shall be valid, binding, and perfected as against all parties having any claim of any kind in tort, contract, or otherwise against the District, whether or not the party has notice; and

(3) The security interest shall be valid, binding, and perfected whether or not any statement, document, or instrument relating to the security interest is recorded or filed.

(k) If there shall be a default in the payment of the principal of, or interest on, any bonds of a series after the principal or interest shall become due and payable, whether at maturity or upon call for redemption, or if the District shall fail or refuse to carry out and perform the terms of any agreement with the holders of any of the bonds, the holders of the bonds, or the trustee appointed to act on behalf of the holder of the bonds, may, subject to the provisions of the financing documents, do the following:

(1) By action, writ or other proceeding, enforce all rights of the holders of the bonds, including the right to require the District to carry out and perform the terms of any agreement with the holders of the bonds or its duties under this subchapter;

(2) By action, require the District to account as if it were the trustee of an express trust;

(3) By action, petition to enjoin any acts or things that may be unlawful or in violation of the rights of the holders of the bonds; and

(4) Declare all the bonds to be due and payable, whether or not in advance of or at maturity and, if all defaults be made good, annul the declaration and its consequences.

(l) The members of the Council, the Mayor, or any person executing any of the bonds shall not be personally liable on the bonds by reason of their issuance.

(m) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, the bonds shall not be general obligations of the District and shall not be in any way a debt or liability of the District within the meaning of any debt or other limit prescribed by law. The faith and credit or the general taxing power of the District (other than monies in the Community Benefit Fund or any other security authorized by this subchapter) shall not be pledged to secure the payment of the bonds.

§ 10–1602.04. Community investment plan.

(a) The Mayor shall make a request for an appropriation for expenditures from the Community Benefit Fund, based on a community investment plan, which shall be:

(1) Developed with input from Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, community groups, the faith community, representatives of the labor community, representatives of the business community, and other community stakeholders;

(2) Submitted to the affected Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, community groups, the faith community, representatives of the labor community, representatives of the business community, and other community stakeholders for a comment period of one month; and

(3)(A) Submitted by the Mayor to the Council for a 30-day period of review, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, and days of Council recess.

(B) If the Council does not approve or disapprove the proposed plan, in whole or in part, by resolution within this 30-day review period, the proposed plan shall be deemed approved.

(b) The request shall be designed to ensure that expenditures from the Community Benefit Fund are used to supplement, rather than supplant, capital funds already appropriated to District of Columbia agencies for similar purposes. The plans shall also seek to coordinate the expenditures of capital funds already appropriated to District government agencies to support community investment goals.

(c) The request shall outline the manner in which funds shall be used to develop, maintain, and improve physical facilities and infrastructure owned by the District of Columbia, particularly for projects or improvements in community plans that do not qualify for capital budget funding.

Subchapter III. Soccer Stadium Development.

§ 10–1603.01. Definitions.

For the purposes of this subchapter, the term:

(1) "Northwest portion of Lot 24 in Square 665" means the northwest portion of Lot 24 in Square 665 as described in the letter of intent between the District and Potomac Electric Power Company dated December 27, 2013.

(2) "Soccer stadium site" means the real property described as Squares 603S, 605, 607, 661, and 661N, and the northwest portion of Lot 24 in Square 665, and all public alleys and streets to be closed within these squares.

§ 10–1603.02. Findings.

The Council finds that:

(1) RFK Stadium is no longer suitable as a home for D.C. United in that it was not designed to host soccer, but was designed for football and baseball, has a capacity much larger than current Major League Soccer Stadiums, is more than 50 years old, is in deteriorating condition, and is near the end of its useful life.

(1A) The acquisition of land for, construction of, and operation of a new stadium for D.C. United in itself serves a public purpose, in particular because the stadium will promote the recreation, entertainment, and enjoyment of the public.

(2) In addition, without the development of a new soccer stadium, it is likely that D.C. United would ultimately move to another jurisdiction where it could participate in the development of a modern, state-of-the-art, outdoor soccer stadium, which would cause the District to lose the economic and fiscal benefits associated with the team's location in the District.

(3) The development and operation of a new, state-of-the-art, LEED certified outdoor soccer stadium at Buzzard Point and the planned development on its ancillary site will increase economic activity.

(4) The stadium is proposed to be located in Buzzard Point, an underutilized industrial area that has long been targeted for redevelopment and, in anticipation of that redevelopment, has been rezoned for higher density use, but that, without a catalytic, public-sponsored project, is not likely to see significant redevelopment for a minimum of 8 years and likely longer.

(5) Developing a state-of-the-art, LEED certified outdoor soccer stadium at Buzzard Point will serve to accelerate that redevelopment as well as promote economic development in the Buzzard Point and Capitol Riverfront neighborhoods and enhance economic vitality in the District of Columbia.

(6) Improvements in the physical environment of Buzzard Point catalyzed by the soccer stadium will connect Buzzard Point to the emerging Capitol Riverfront area to create a vibrant, mixed-use neighborhood with improved pedestrian circulation and continuous public access to the water, offer new development opportunities that could promote mixed-use development and increase the inventory of affordable housing through inclusionary zoning, and provide ways to improve the environmental health of Buzzard Point.

(7) Improvements and infrastructure investments represented by the development of a new, state-of-the-art soccer stadium project at Buzzard Point will leverage other nearby District investments such as the South Capitol Street Bridge project and the parking facilities for Nationals Park and, along with the successful and planned development at the Yards and the Wharf, combine to anchor a new, mixed-use neighborhood that would reconnect residents to the waterfront, enhance the natural environment, and establish an attractive gateway to the District while improving conditions for nearby residents.

§ 10–1603.03. Assemblage of soccer stadium site.

(a)(1) The Council disapproves the exchange agreement between the District of Columbia and SW Land Holder, LLC dated May 23, 2014 (the "exchange agreement") and the amendment to the exchange agreement dated October 7, 2014.

(2) The Mayor is authorized to acquire Squares 605, 607, and 661 and the northwest portion of Lot 24 in Square 665 for market value at a cost not to exceed $88.9 million; provided, that the cost may exceed $88.9 million if in an eminent domain proceeding the court determines or an appraisal conducted by the District establishes a value for one or more properties that causes the cost to exceed $88.9 million.

(b) Notwithstanding subchapter I of Chapter 8 of this title, or other provision of law, the Council authorizes the Mayor to transfer Lot 82 in Square 559 to PEPCO in exchange for $15.8 million.

(c) The Mayor is not authorized to exchange or otherwise dispose of the Franklin D. Reeves Center, located on Lot 844 in Square 204, in conjunction with the assemblage of the soccer stadium site.

(d) The Mayor shall transmit to the Council any agreement to acquire any portion of Squares 605, 607, or 661, or the northwest portion of Lot 24 in Square 665 that requires the approval of the Council pursuant to § 1-204.51, not later than 30 days before the effective date of the agreement. Any such agreement shall be exempt from § 2-352.02(c).

(e) The Mayor may exercise eminent domain in accordance with the procedures set forth in subchapter II of Chapter 13 of Title 16 to acquire any portion of Squares 605, 607, or 661, or the northwest portion of Lot 24 in Square 665.

§ 10–1603.04. Amendments to ground lease and development agreement.

(a) Notwithstanding subchapter I of Chapter 8 of this title, the Mayor may enter into a ground lease ("revised ground lease") between the District of Columbia and DC Stadium LLC; provided, that:

(1) The revised ground lease amends the ground lease between the District of Columbia and DC Stadium LLC, dated May 23, 2014 ("original ground lease") to:

(A) Not contain any provision to abate District sales tax;

(B) Include the labor peace provisions set forth in subsection (c) of this section; and

(C) Contain modifications to conform the terms of the original ground lease to the provisions of this subchapter;

(2) The Mayor transmits the revised ground lease to the Council for its review not later than 30 days before the effective date of the revised ground lease;

(3) The Mayor transmits simultaneously to the Council for its review pursuant to § 1-204.51, a revised development agreement ("revised development agreement") that amends the development agreement between the District of Columbia and DC Stadium LLC, dated May 23, 2014 ("original development agreement"), for the development of the soccer stadium site and that:

(A) Extends the date by which the District shall acquire control of the soccer stadium site to September 30, 2015;

(B) Extends the dates by which the District shall close streets and alleys, acquire fee title, demolish existing structures, perform infrastructure work (including all District obligations under article V of the original development agreement), and perform environmental remediation work (including all District obligations under article VI of the original development agreement), as such actions are described in articles III, IV, V, and VI of the original development agreement and may be described or referenced in other provisions of the original development agreement, each by 6 months;

(C) Sets a date by which DC Stadium LLC shall complete the construction of a soccer stadium at the soccer stadium site;

(D) Extends other dates as negotiated between the District and DC Stadium, LLC;

(E) Amends section 5.9 of the original development agreement to read as follows: "Land Contribution. Within 30 days of the District's acquisition of either Lot 7 or Lot 802 in Square 605, the Stadium Developer shall pay to the District, or its designee, Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000.00) to offset Land acquisition costs, unless the District acquires either Lot 7 or Lot 802 in Square 605 by the use of eminent domain and the aggregate price paid by the District for Lot 7 and Lot 802 is less than $25,148,760.";

(F) Amends section 9.1(c) of the original development agreement to read as follows: "Designated Entertainment Area. The District shall grant to the Developer 'signage rights' with respect to the Land, such signage rights to be those rights described in the proposed Chapter 8 of Title 13 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations published in the DC Register on August 17, 2012.";

(G) Provides that no fees, proffers, or deposits shall be borne or waived by the District pursuant to section 7.6 of the original development agreement before October 1, 2015; and

(H) Includes the labor peace provisions set forth in subsection (c) of this section; and

(4) The Council does not adopt a resolution of disapproval pertaining to the ground lease within 30 days beginning on the day on which the ground lease is submitted to the Council, excluding days of Council recess.

(b)(1) The revised ground lease and the revised development agreement each may provide an enhanced "Performance Assurance" without increasing the District's financial obligations.

(2) The revised development agreement shall be exempt from § 2-352.02(c).

(c) The District is authorized to agree to terms within the revised ground lease and revised development agreement providing that, notwithstanding any other provision of the revised ground lease or revised development agreement, DC Stadium LLC covenants and agrees:

(1) To enter into a labor peace agreement that conforms in content to the requirements set forth in § 32-853 with each labor organization that requests a labor peace agreement and which represents, or reasonably might represent, food service or concession workers at the soccer stadium to be constructed at the soccer stadium site, workers in any hotel development located on the Adjacent Land (as defined in Exhibit A-2 to the original ground lease), or any group or subgroup of such workers; and

(2) To require, as a condition of any assignment, sublease, or transaction of any kind transferring, in whole or in part, any rights under the revised development agreement or the revised ground lease to any other entity, that such assignee, sublessee, transferee, or other entity:

(A) Adopt and execute any labor peace agreement entered into by DC Stadium LLC pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection or, to the extent that DC Stadium LLC has not entered into such a labor peace agreement with any labor organization that requests a labor peace agreement and that represents, or reasonably might represent, workers described in paragraph (1), to enter into such agreement; and

(B) Require adoption and execution of such labor peace agreement (or, to the extent that such agreement has not previously been reached with any labor organization that requests a labor peace agreement and that represents, or reasonably might represent, workers described in paragraph (1) of this subsection, to require entry into such agreement) by any future assignee, sublessee, transferee, or other entity as a condition of any future assignment, sublease, transfer, agreement, or transaction of any kind transferring, in whole or in part, any rights under the revised development agreement or the revised ground lease; and

(3) To entitle any labor organization that has entered into, or has requested to enter into, a labor peace agreement under this subsection to enforce the obligations described in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of this subsection as a third-party beneficiary of the contractual provisions described therein, by filing a civil action in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia seeking declaratory and other equitable relief.

§ 10–1603.05. Authority of Mayor to rent vault space, airspace.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Mayor may issue a vault permit or airspace lease to DC Stadium LLC, or its designee, for the use of vault space or airspace adjacent to the soccer stadium site in accordance with subchapter I of Chapter 11 of this title, or subchapter II of Chapter 11 of this title, whichever one is applicable, for a term as determined by the Mayor and at no additional fee or rent, except as may be otherwise determined by the Mayor.

§ 10–1603.06. Cap on horizontal development costs.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the District shall not obligate in excess of $150 million in aggregate costs to acquire, assemble, and develop the soccer stadium site.

§ 10–1603.07. Soccer Stadium Financing Fund.

(a) There is established as a special fund the Soccer Stadium Financing Fund ("Fund"), which shall be administered by the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development in accordance with subsections (c) and (d) of this section.

(b) Revenue from the following sources shall be deposited in the Fund:

(1) The payment made by the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority to the District government pursuant to section 3.02 of the memorandum of agreement entered into between the District of Columbia and the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority, dated December 15, 2014;

(2) Any payment made by D.C. United to the District government pursuant to section 5.9 of the development agreement;

(2A) Any payment made by D.C. United to the District government pursuant to the revised ground lease;

(3) The proceeds of the sale of the District-owned property located at 1st and K Streets, N.W., which property is designated for tax and assessment purposes as Lot 82 in Square 559; and

(4) The funds reprogrammed pursuant to section 3 of the Fiscal Year 2015 Revised Budget Request Emergency Adjustment Act of 2014 [D.C. Act 20-545, effective Dec. 23, 2014].

(c) Money in the Fund shall be used for the following purposes:

(1) To pay for the operating expenditures or other costs incurred in the implementation of this subchapter; and

(2) To offset the revenue reduction impacts of this subchapter.

(d) Money in the Fund may not be used for any purpose not identified in subsection (c) of this section.

(e) (1) The money deposited into the Fund, and interest earned, shall not revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the end of a fiscal year, or at any other time.

(2) Subject to authorization in an approved budget and financial plan, any funds appropriated in the Fund shall be continually available without regard to fiscal year limitation.

§ 10–1603.08. Community benefits.

(a) The Mayor shall implement the Convention Center – Southwest Waterfront corridor as described in the "DC Circulator 2014 Transit Development Plan Update" dated September 2014.

(b) The Mayor shall implement a workforce intermediary program to connect residents of ANC6D with employment during construction of the stadium and the initial 2 seasons of soccer operations.

(c) The Mayor shall make capital improvements of at least $250,000 to the Randall Recreation Center in Ward 6.

(d) The Mayor shall operate and provide programmed activities for the Randall Recreation Center in Ward 6.

(e) The Mayor is authorized to negotiate other community-benefit commitments from D.C. United and its affiliated entities, including those that promote youth soccer, education, employment opportunities, and job training programs.