Code of the District of Columbia

Chapter 25A. Performance Parking Zones.

§ 50–2531. Performance Parking Zones.

(a) The Mayor may establish Performance Parking Zones for the purpose of managing curbside parking and reducing congestion citywide.

(b) The Mayor shall establish zone-specific parking management targets, and implement regulations, to achieve the following goals:

(1) Protect resident parking in residential zones;

(2) Facilitate regular parking turnover in busy commercial areas;

(3) Promote the use of non-auto transportation; and

(4) Decrease vehicular congestion within each zone.

(c) The Mayor may designate residential permit parking zones on currently undesignated residential blocks.

(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law or regulation, the Mayor may employ the following to achieve the goals and targets established pursuant to subsection (b) of this section:

(1) Set or adjust curbside parking fees;

(2) Set or adjust the days and hours during which curbside parking fees apply;

(3) Adjust parking fines, as needed, to dissuade illegal parking;

(4) Exempt vehicles displaying valid, in-zone residential permit parking stickers from meter payment, as needed; and

(5) Set temporary heightened curbside parking fees in anticipation of special events in or around a performance parking zone that may significantly increase demand for parking, including sporting events, festivals, parades, and concerts; provided, that the heightened fees shall begin no sooner than 12:00 a.m. the day the special event begins and end no later than 11:59 p.m. on the day the special event concludes; provided further, that the Mayor shall provide 7-days'notice of the temporary heightened curbside parking fees and their exact duration, which may be withdrawn if circumstances change, to the affected Ward Councilmember, the affected Advisory Neighborhood Commission, and to the public via posts online and signage in the performance parking zone.

(e) When changing curbside parking fees, other than temporary heightened curbside parking fees as described in subsection (d)(5) of this section, the Mayor shall:

(1) Monitor curbside parking availability rates on commercial streets to establish a need for any fee increase;

(2) Except for fees in loading zones, not increase any fee more than 2 times per month, unless the Mayor elects to change the fees in real time based on demand;

(2A) Except for fees in loading zones, not increase fees by more than $5 in a 3-month period; and

(3) Except for fees in loading zones and temporary heightened curbside parking fees as described in subsection (d)(5) of this section, provide notice to the affected Ward Councilmember and Advisory Neighborhood Commission (“ANC”) of any changes in curbside parking fees at least 10 days before implementation.

(f) Curbside signage, meter decals, electronic displays, and information on applications the District government or uses to enable electronic payment for parking shall provide sufficient notice of changes to restrictions.

(g) The Mayor shall designate a project manager who will serve as the main point of contact for the public on matters related to each performance parking zone.

(h) The Mayor shall publish a public website that includes the following: performance parking zone boundaries, rules or regulations, information about how to use new parking fee technologies, data on curbside usage broken down by location and time of day for each performance parking zone, if technically feasible, and contact information for the project management team.

(i) Repealed.

§ 50–2531.01. Performance Parking Program Fund. [Repealed]


§ 50–2531.02. Repeat Parking Violation Pilot Zones.

(a) The Mayor may establish Repeat Parking Violation Pilot Zones for the purpose of dissuading repeat parking violations, managing curbside parking, and reducing congestion caused by repeat parking violations.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a person who violates Chapter 24 of Title 18 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations in a Repeat Parking Violation Zone was previously found liable for a violation of Chapter 24 of Title 18 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations in a Repeat Parking Violation Zone within the same 12-month period, the fine for the second violation shall be triple the fine otherwise provided by law.

(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a person who violates Chapter 24 of Title 18 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations in a Repeat Parking Violation Zone was previously found liable for 2 or more violations of Chapter 24 of Title 18 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations in a Repeat Parking Violation Zone within the same 12-month period, the fine for the third or subsequent violation shall be quadruple the fine otherwise provided by law.

(d) Within one year after April 11, 2019, the Mayor shall submit to the Council a report describing efforts to mitigate repeat parking violations, as described in subsections (b) and (c) of this section. The report shall identify, at a minimum:

(1) The number of violations of Chapter 24 of Title 18 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations that were subject to the enhanced penalties in subsection (b) of this section; and

(2) The number of violations of Chapter 24 of Title 18 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations that were subject to the enhanced penalties in subsection (c) of this section.

§ 50–2532. Ballpark Performance Parking Pilot Zone.

(a) The Ballpark Performance Parking Pilot Zone is designated as the area bounded by:

(1) The Southeast/Southwest Freeway on the north, 10th Street, S.E., on the east, 12th Street, S.W., on the west, and the Washington Channel and Anacostia River on the south, including both sides of boundary streets, but not including the Southeast/Southwest Freeway; and

(2) East Capitol Street on the north, 11th Street, S.E., on the east, Washington Avenue, S.W., and South Capitol Street on the west, and the Southeast/Southwest Freeway on the south, including both sides of boundary streets, but not including the Southeast/Southwest Freeway.

(b) The Mayor shall assign parking control and traffic control officers for implementation of the pilot program within the Ballpark Performance Parking Pilot Zone, and enhanced enforcement on stadium event days;

(c) Pursuant to § 50-2531(d)(1), the Mayor shall adjust fees to achieve 10% to 20% availability of curbside parking spaces.

(d) Notwithstanding § 50-2531(e)(2), for curbside parking spaces where there are not established parking fees on November 25, 2008, the Mayor may increase fees up to once per month by an amount up to 50% of the initial fee set for this parking pilot zone.

(e) Notwithstanding § 50-2531(d)(1) and except south of the Southeast/Southwest Freeway, where curbside fees existed before the establishment of the performance parking pilot zone, the Mayor shall not set the initial performance parking pilot zone fee higher than the existing fee.

(f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Mayor shall not charge curbside parking fees on District or federal holidays.

(g) Within the first 30 days of implementation of the Ballpark Performance Parking Pilot Zone, the Mayor may issue warning citations for curbside parking violations related to the pilot program in the zone.

§ 50–2532.01. H Street N.E. Performance Parking Pilot Zone.

(a) The H Street N.E. Performance Parking Zone is designated as the area within the following boundary: K Street, N.E., from 3rd Street, N.E., to 8th Street, N.E.; 8th Street, N.E., from K Street, N.E., to Florida Avenue, N.E.; Florida Avenue, N.E., from 8th Street, N.E., to 15th Street, N.E.; 15th Street, N.E., from Florida Avenue, N.E., to E Street, N.E.; E Street, N.E., from 15th Street N.E., to 3rd Street, N.E.; 3rd Street, N.E., from E Street, N.E., to K Street, N.E., including both sides of these boundary streets.

(b) In addition to maintaining a sufficient number of parking-control officers and traffic-control officers in the existing performance parking zones, the Mayor shall assign parking-control and traffic-control officers for implementation of the pilot program in the H Street N.E. Performance Parking Pilot Zone and for enhanced enforcement during peak-parking-demand hours.

(c) The Mayor shall designate existing residential parking-permit-zoned blocks within the performance-parking zone as within a high-traffic generating corridor and provide increased residential-parking protections.

(d) The Mayor shall set the initial performance-parking-pilot-zone fee equal to the existing fee.

(e) Pursuant to § 50-2531(d)(1), the Mayor shall adjust fees to achieve 10% to 20% availability of curbside parking spaces.

(f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Mayor shall not charge curbside parking fees on District or federal holidays.

(g) Within the first 30 days of September 14, 2011, the Mayor may issue warning citations for curbside parking violations related to the pilot program in the zone.

§ 50–2532.02. Penn Quarter/Chinatown Performance Parking Pilot Zone.

(a) The Penn Quarter/Chinatown Performance Parking Pilot Zone is designated as the area bounded by H Street, N.W., on the north, 11th Street, N.W., on the west, 3rd Street, N.W., on the east, and E Street, N.W., on the south, including both sides of these boundary streets.

(b) In addition to maintaining a sufficient number of parking control officers and traffic control officers in the existing performance parking pilot zones, the Mayor shall assign parking control and traffic control officers for implementation of the pilot program in the Penn Quarter/Chinatown Performance Parking Pilot Zone and for enhanced enforcement during peak-parking-demand hours.

(c) The Mayor shall set the initial performance parking pilot zone fee equal to the existing parking meter fee in that zone.

(d) Pursuant to § 50-2531(d)(1), the Mayor shall adjust curbside parking fees to achieve 10% to 20% availability of curbside parking spaces.

(e) Within the first 30 days of the implementation of the Penn Quarter/Chinatown Performance Parking Pilot Zone, the Mayor may issue warning citations for curbside parking violations related to the pilot program in the zone.

§ 50–2533. Columbia Heights Retail Performance Parking Pilot Zone. [Repealed]


§ 50–2534. Expenditure of Performance Parking Pilot Program revenue. [Repealed]


§ 50–2535. Reporting requirements and oversight for each performance parking zone.

(a) Before implementation, or upon November 25, 2008, whichever is later, the District Department of Transportation (“DDOT”) shall transmit a detailed performance parking zone plan to the Council and to the Chairs of all ANCs within a performance parking zone. The plan shall set zone-specific parking management targets and shall detail parking changes, which may include new parking restrictions and curbside parking fees.

(b) At the request of any ANC or Ward Councilmember representing all or part of a performance parking zone, DDOT shall conduct public meetings to provide an update on parking management targets and an opportunity for public comment.

(c) Repealed.

(d) The Mayor shall provide quarterly reports to the Council and make the reports available on its website detailing the following information for each performance parking zone:

(1) Quarterly revenue;

(2) Quarterly revenue associated with performance parking meter pricing;

(3) Quarterly expenditures on non-automobile transportation improvements; and

(4) The balance of funds available for additional non-automobile transportation investments.

(e) Repealed.

§ 50–2536. Adams Morgan Taxicab Zone Pilot Program.

(a) The Mayor shall establish a taxicab zone in Adams Morgan by July 15, 2008, which shall include, at a minimum, the following areas:

(1) The width of 18th Street, N.W., from the intersection of 18th Street, N.W., and Wyoming Avenue, N.W., to the intersection of 18th Street, N.W., and Columbia Road, N.W.; and

(2) The width of Columbia Road, N.W., from the intersection of Columbia Road, N.W., and Biltmore Street, N.W., to the intersection of Columbia Road, N.W., and Euclid Street, N.W.

(b) Except as provided in this section, Title 31 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations shall apply to the established taxicab zone.

(c) The Mayor shall post signage throughout the zone identifying zone hours, zone restrictions, and taxicab stand locations, and give notice of the same to the District of Columbia Taxicab Commission, affected ANCs, and business organizations before implementation of the Adams Morgan Taxicab Zone Pilot Program.

(d) A taxicab, as defined in Article XI of Title II of the Washington Metropolitan Transit Regulation Compact, approved September 15, 1960 [(74 Stat. 1031; D.C. Official Code § 9-1103.01)], shall not pick up a passenger for hire within a designated taxicab zone during taxi zone hours, except at a designated taxicab stand.

(e) For the purposes of this section, the term “taxi zone hours” shall mean from 9:00 p.m. Thursday though 4:00 a.m. Friday; from 9:00 p.m. Friday though 4:00 a.m. Saturday; and from 9:00 p.m. Saturday though 4:00 a.m. Sunday.

(f) The Mayor shall establish at least one taxicab stand within or adjacent to the Adams Morgan taxicab zone. Any taxicab stand shall:

(1) Be clearly identified with signage;

(2) Have adequate queue space for a maximum number of taxicabs, as identified by the Mayor; and

(3) Have adequate space for taxicab patrons to queue.

(g) Taxicabs shall stand in taxicab stands established pursuant to subsection (f) of this section only while awaiting passengers for hire.

(h) The provisions of this section shall be enforced pursuant to § 50-312(f) and (g).

(i) The Adams Morgan Taxicab Zone Pilot Program shall terminate on October 1, 2010.

(j) Forty-five days before the termination of the Adams Morgan Taxicab Zone Pilot Program, the Mayor shall present a report to the Council on the efficacy of the program, which shall include recommendations on the continued need for a designated taxicab zone in Adams Morgan.

§ 50–2537. Mount Pleasant Visitor Pass Pilot Program. [Repealed]
