Code of the District of Columbia

Chapter 16A-i. Minor Consent to Vaccination.

§ 7–1653.01. Minor consent to vaccination.

*NOTE: This section was created by temporary legislation that will expire on May 4, 2023.*

(a) An emancipated minor, a minor who is married or previously has been married, an unaccompanied homeless minor, a minor who is or has been pregnant, or a minor who is separated from their parent or legal guardian for whatever reason and is not supported by their parent or legal guardian may consent to receive a vaccine recommended by the United States Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices ("ACIP"), and where receipt of the vaccine is in accordance with ACIP's recommended immunization schedule.

(b)(1) A vaccine provider may accept the consent of a minor not otherwise listed in subsection (a) of this section to receive a vaccine recommended by ACIP in accordance with ACIP's recommended immunization schedule; provided, that the vaccine provider reasonably attempts to obtain consent from the minor's parent or legal guardian either in person, in writing, or by telephone, and there is no objection from the parent or legal guardian. Consent of the parent or legal guardian may be assumed if the vaccine provider cannot notify the parent or legal guardian after at least a reasonable attempt to notify has been made.

(2) Nothing in this section prohibits a minor from seeking a court order to authorize receipt of a vaccine by the minor due to the parent's or legal guardian's objection.

(3) This subsection does not require administration of a vaccine if receipt of the vaccine by the minor is medically contraindicated.

(c) For purposes of this section, the term "vaccine provider" means an entity or person authorized to administer the vaccine being sought.

(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed or applied to require or excuse noncompliance with any provision of any federal law.